Your own attendance to the banquet is included in your delegate registration fee. If you plan to bring one or more guest(s) to just the Thursday evening banquet & entertainment, please purchase an extra banquet ticket for each guest ($110/person). We also offer “spousal tickets” for $300/person that include all scheduled conference meals & entertainments (incl. banquet), but no sessions.
Select an option... No extra banquet tickets required Purchase 1 extra banquet ticket (+$110.00) Purchase 2 extra banquet tickets (+$220.00) Purchase 3 extra banquet tickets (+$330.00) Purchase 4 extra banquet tickets (+$440.00) Purchase 1 spousal meals ticket (+$300.00)
Join JPL chefs and food waste cooking expert Christine Tizzard to learn about making the most of your food scraps in menu planning and other zero waste cooking tips.
No, thanks
Yes, sign me up for the Cooking Demo (10:30am-12:00pm) (+$50.00)
Choose one option. The Brewery Tour and JPL Environmental Programs Tour are full.
Don’t sign me up for a tour
Nature Walk Led by Peter Duck (1:00pm-2:30pm)
By submitting a registration, each delegate agrees to have their name and company affiliation included on the conference delegate list which may be made available to each conference participant, and also included on the RCA’s conference web site. Anyone who prefers NOT to have their name showing on the delegate list and app can opt out below:
Yes – include my name on the list
No – don’t include my name