Exhibit Registration – Non-Member


Exhibitor Required Fields

Dietary Restrictions

Wednesday Morning Cooking Demo Activity * 

Join JPL chefs and food waste cooking expert Christine Tizzard to learn about making the most of your food scraps in menu planning and other zero waste cooking tips.

Wednesday Afternoon Activity * 

Choose one option. The Brewery Tour and JPL Environmental Programs Tour are full.

Extra Banquet / Spousal Tickets * 

Your own attendance to the banquet is included in your registration fee. If you plan to bring one or more guest(s) to just the Thursday evening banquet & entertainment, please purchase an extra banquet ticket for each guest ($110/person). We also offer “spousal tickets” for $300/person that include all scheduled conference meals & entertainments (incl. banquet), but no sessions.

Exhibitor Booth Selection

Please provide your 3 top choices – view floor plan in a new tab.

Notes (optional)


Exhibitor Map

Exhibitor Map